IP Expertise

  • Patent drafting and prosecution
  • Patentability analysis
  • Prior art searches

Technical Expertise

  • Synthesis of nanomaterials
  • OLED and QLED electroluminescent diodes
  • Photovoltaic cells
  • Industrial automation
  • Electrotechnology
  • Instrumentation


  • European Patent Attorney
  • French IP Attorney
  • CEIPI certificate
  • PhD in nanophysics, CEA Leti, Grenoble
  • Materials Engingeer, Polytech’ Clermont-Ferrand
  • Masters in materials and nanostructures, Clermont-Ferrand


Axel obtained his engineering degree and his Masters in 2010. He then obtained a PhD from Leti (Laboratoire d’électronique et de technologie de l’information of the CEA, Grenoble).

A first professional experience of five years with VINCI Énergies involved working as a technical leader in the nuclear energy field, in relation with the conception and implementation of machines for EDF, ITER and the CEA Cadarache. Axel gained in particular expertise in automation, electrotechnology and instrumentation.

He joined BEAUMONT at the start of 2019, where he has been trained in patent drafting, mainly in the field of microelectronics. Axel has completed his IP training and qualified as a European and French Patent Attorney in 2023.